E (redeployable) deploys a thick water wall, that has tidal ways in it going from left to right and vice versa, making trespasser change its position and unable to fire till 0.5 seconds of trespassing the wall, flashes wont work through this wall, you can spary through the wall and the bullets have same damage but the bullets inaccuracy will be increased. Unlike viper you can re deploy the wall.
Q (2 charges) makes himself into water, leading to him being immune to everything except flashes, but lasts only 2 seconds, no delay in using the ability but unlike reyna's ability one's movement reduces slightly.
C(3 charges) deploys a bubble, flashes wont work through these too but no bullet inaccuracy & one can easily pass them, good thing is if someone is inside the bubble, varun will give an audio que and varun can pop the bubble making water splash in that area leading to enemies getting slowed and vision slightly blurred.
X deploys a layer of water, doesnt effect enemies in anyway except for making them slightly slow, but will make varun's speed faster, gives him and his allies health regen , lasts upto 20 seconds.
The agent sounds too dumb, but I just wanna see a controller that have mobility and heal lol, also when will we see info about him, this month?