-russ +russz
The russ buff
I don't know which Brave you are talking about but NO
why not
do you not want him to leave smb or do you think he's bad I don't get it
Brave is one of the best Turkish players, the best in my opinion. Of course I don't want him to leave.
you want him to be stuck on a bad team tho? Seems like a waste
bad? Don't underestimate Turkish teams Even though SMB is not the champion, they can be on top again with a single change
-glovee +lauress ez champions
or elite
he's referring to SMB Brave i think
Why not? Brave is the only one good at SMB. Rest are utter fucking shit
Jlerst and Izzy (to an extent) aint bad tho. Just XiSTOU and glovee that are bringing the team down
Izzy and Jierst is not bad and not good either. They're inconsistent but that just means they're bad lol, Brave definitely needs a better team
Jlerst = Controller Alfajer believe me, he is insane young talent