NOTE- This list is not in any order
1.Mindfreak - The guys a fucking legend. 1v4 galore
2.Victor - His aim is crisp on that neon.
3.Mako - This might spark some controversy but Mako is a goddam beast. In almost all of Copenhagen he carried his team to the very last.
Melser - One of the best controller players
F0rsaken - he is the only person who has the balls to play YORU on international LAN and pop off against the best team in EMEA
HN- Tacolilla - The guy has a 100% chamber pickrate on every map. ONLY PLAYS CHAMBER. YOU CAN LOOK AT ALL OF HIS GAMES. ONLY FUCKING CHAMBER.
HN2- Benkai - he and F0rsaken are like a 2 man army. they are unstoppable