kay/o prob gonna take skye/phenoix place what do u guys think? nobody Droppin cypher/omen for kay/o same with sova
His knife can reveal enemies through suppression. Pro teams already know where to prefire for sova's recon dart spots, kay/o could temporarily disrupt that. Moreover, you could run both skye and kay/o to have the same capacity of info gathering on two sides of the map, but with more flashes and more useful utility.
Fair enough, I think we both agree that this character is going to be highly situational and will probably entrench meta divisions between regions. I think I was wrong to say that he would take sova's "must pick" place, I should have rather said that he could replace sova in some situations or combinations with other agents
it will not replace agents, it will open new plays! with kay/o i feel like you can pick 2+ duelists and since it gives the best support to duelists you will have tons of duels you have advantage in. it will make t teams stay away from the typical start positions and that will give the cts a lot of space to push forward imo. it will open a lot of new plays and not just replace agents.