um, unless u expect the back seats to sell out first, ur reading the colors wrong.
also i'm confused why there is only ~3000 seats. ik we have csgo comparisons around here, and val is new, but I expected more for a grand final. maybe a bigger venue next time? idk
ah ok that would make sense
the usa was so far behind the entire world on covid for so long, it’s strange to see other countries still have restrictions while we have largely moved on.
finals is doing pretty good already, once we know the teams the finals will 100% be sold out, uppers and lowers I think will sell out depending on the teams that go tbh
lots of people will go based on teams that are playing, expect lots of sales during the dark days before the weekend. i’m one of these people bc of finances
Failure by riot, on the other hand iem cologne at 18,000 capacity lanxess arena sold out full for 3 days. I don't see any marketing by riot to create more interest in the event to sell tickets. Riot small indie company lulw.
lulw, imagine you think that a multi-billion dollar company like Riot wouldn't have a deliberate strategy around its handling of the first live crowd at a Masters event. If only they hired clever kids like you, right?
Yes they should have, all I see is failed attempt by riot to meet the event expectations of valorant fans around the world. These forums are filled with riot dickriders, defending it to their death, pathetic.