Did anyone else do the same thing today? I woke up very excited for the first games and forgot that today is the 9th... Which made me wonder, is there aconsistent start time to the Masters and Champions events?
Turns out there isn't, like at all.
Masters Reykjavik: May 24 - 30, 2021 - Mon. @ 11 AM EST - 10 Teams
Masters Berlin: Sep. 10 - 19, 2021 - Fri. @ 9 AM EST - 12 Teams
Champions: Dec. 1 - 12, 2021 - Wed. @ 9AM EST - 16 Teams
Masters Reykjavík: Apr. 10 - 24, 2022 - Sun. @ 11AM EST - 12 Teams
The only consistency as you've noticed is the start time of both events in Berlin; coincidence? Tuesday, Thrusday and Saturday starts are unexplored territory, suffice it to say, we are going to be in familiar ground tomorrow, in a sunday start, as was done first at Masters Reykjavík '21. With less than 24 hours ever ticking away towards round one of Masters Copenhagen, I am personally excited to see not just the games, but all that comes along with what Riot has been consistent with event to event.