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Just had the person who was top fragging on my team afk and not buy last round (12-13) because they believed our raze to be int'ing all of T side by only fighting A regardless of what we were doing. We had a 3v2 on site including them but they decided not to play the round, and we would of tied it up with her, my dia 3 rank up game. All I can say is please don't be small minded and easily agitated as them in your ranked games. This honestly just ruined my night of playing val.


i agree some ppl r cringe asf if someone calls me out i dont even say anythin im like ya ok lets win now cuz ik if i say somethin back they gonna throw like clowns


It's crazy how sensitive people are. It makes me realize seeing a breakdown of the player bases ranks that some people can never be high immortal/radiant because they aren't willing to take emotion out of playing the game. Like realizing their mistakes so they can adjust, or taking criticism for how they can do something right or better.

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