Wardell Stephen Curry II is an American professional basketball player for the Golden State Warriors of the National Basketball Association.
0/8 This bait has been already made 100times and we all know WARDELL took the name just cause thats Curry‘s name
Sorry im new to vlr i didnt know
another wardell forum
The numerical value of Wardel in Chaldean Numerology is: 3
The numerical value of Wardel in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9
"a natural ability to do something well"
Global esports trash
The numerical value of Global esports trash in Chaldean Numerology is: 70
The numerical value of Global esports trash in Pythagorean Numerology is: 74
Dont ever disrespect global esports ever again me fns sacred curry and khanartist are joining it in 2030 U dumbass
Exactly and Wardel will be IGL of team
999th Wardell Post Lets now get to the 1k