The two teams are thought to dominate Europe at the moment. who will win in a possible g2, ACEND match?
Two teams thought to dominate EU? Based on what? Acend winning a T3 competition, and G2 succeeding in qualifying for their first Challengers?
Valorant esports fandom is the ultimate "what have you done for me lately?"
Acend has not been tested. G2 has very little experience. Relax on the "TL and Fnatic now suck KEKW" bs.
The team you said you didn't test won masters 1 and g2 beat the Icelandic fan who played in the final. other teams are struggling right now, they are passing with scores like 2 1, but g2 and acend didn't even give a map right now. I'm not saying they're the best teams in the EU, but they are the two teams with the most potential to dominate right now.