I think GE can beat AE, they are looking very good rn, they were able to handle their emotions well during their match with Enigma. They also say that they win when it matters the most which is right to some extent, in the last two lan events they worked through lower brackets and then finally won both the tournaments. Also they are the only team to have qualified for APAC 3 times. Although APAC also matters and they have failed at that stage which I think has less to do with their skills and more to do with their composure, emotions and mentality. If their mental game is on point then they can win or atleast they will make alter ego fight for victory. Nothing can be said for sure since they have played very little against sea teams.
Doesn't matter, they won't succeed in APAC
But here it is
Skrossi - chamber
Rawfiul - Jett/duelist
Skillz - sova/initiator
Antidote (igl) - smokes
Lightningfast/Excali - flex
I think skillz is just too good in India to not be here, and someone has to learn sova, so hes the chosen one
After suggestions, Jett/duelist will now be occupied by rawfiul of Enigma, replacing deathmaker, although they could both be equally viable imo