xset > ghost and eg
you can make an argument for ghost, def not eg though.
EG beat optic, meanwhile ghost beat…. tsm, washed up guard, and nrg…. All who only have 1 win so far. Meanwhile they also lost to xset..
1- OPTC 2- 100T 3- XSET 4- EG 5- Ghost 6- LG 7- FaZe 8- Guard 9- C9 10- TSM 11- NRG 12- SEN
EG is #2. they are better than 100turds
eg is in a much easier group, also they lost to c9 lmao
they only lost to c9 when they had xeta. AKA when they were actually good.
also they are in the group with the best team in NA lul. stop
they beat Optic..?
you're named farts how are you gonna talk about being better than turds
1: optic 2: eg 3-4: xset & ghost (tied)
and tsm 2-0 100t so
why xset so high?