£10 bet on it but don't care about the loss if they get owned, I hope FaZe destroy them but on the odd chance Sentinels do a miracle, I win as well.#
Win/win either way :D
SEN 2-1 FaZe (13-7, 5-13, 13-10) MVP: Rawkus
The only way they'll win is with a 2-0 gigastomp or gigastomped by Faze.
i'd rather spend 500 on faze knowing they will win than 10 on sentinels knowing they will lose
Well I'm not an addict. I bet like £10 just for fun to see how it goes. Never bet with the intention of trying to make bank.
i can respect that but betting on sentinels is guaranteed loss
They normally do some dumbshit like turning up for a meaningless game so on the off chance it is today, I win.
Rawkus is gonna drop 40 and they're still gonna lose
thx for 10 bucks