It gives me a peace of mind knowing that shitzham and Co won't even qualify for an international lan and on top of that the number of braindead retards who dick ride sen and tenz will be drastically less in twitch chat..what a wonderful world!
The actual solution,
Shahz to CC, Rawkus to anywhere else
+Sinatraa & Zombs, +Good Coach tht is disciplined
Dapr IGL/sen
Sinatraa Flex
Tenz Entry
Zombs Smokes
Sick Flex
Sentinels Prime Form (could nvr happen unless…)
Honestly i would rather keep old sen but replace shahzam for rawkus and then sign sliggy. Also if youre trying to keep sick, sick can play main initiator since his breach is ok and his sova skye and fade are all good. Sinatraas kayo is better than sick’s