jcstani OurBoiDre SexRow ? ? deserving players
Steel Hiko Ethan Asuna Marved
Shahzam - Sova Steel - Sentinels Sinatraa - 2nd duelist Zombs - Controller Prod/Shanks - Duelist
Renewing my Ratzham T3 Sub ASAP!!
This spells NA drama all over it and I am all for it
why tf is this getting downvoted
Steel is not sentinels. Steel is 100thieves 😺😹😹😮😮😉😉
yes fr and 1 last player
Brax Steel Dazed AZK Skadoodle
james jeff john jeff (different jeff) jason
mocking mocking mocking mocking prod
Sinatraa s0m Subroza SicK Shanks
XXiF mocking prod
kyedae tarik
Dodonut MeL Kat Flourscnt and a simp idk.. asuna?
zombs, neon