Your takes were so bad and stupid, that none of the vlr users will ever say something as stupid as you did
You won't be missed, but you'll be missed at the same time
queueK [#10]what did he get banned for
He was DMing underage girls on Twitter, turns out he was actually a 30 year old man
babysasuke [#11]He was DMing underage girls on Twitter, turns out he was actually a 30 year old man
Why I find this really believable
babysasuke [#11]He was DMing underage girls on Twitter, turns out he was actually a 30 year old man
spreading lies about ballsax not cool
Giannero [#15]I do, I hate to do grammatical errors, and I correct myself everytime I'm aware I did
hates grammar errors, but "I hate to do grammatical errors" instead of "I hate making grammatical errors", has an incorrect comma after errors, and and unnecessary "i did" at the end. nice