Eight European squads have proven their worth in today's open qualifier and advanced to the group stage of the Vitality European Open. These teams will be split into two groups, with Group A set to play on the 10th and group B set to play on the 11th. Each group will play a best-of-one round-robin. The top two teams from each group will then advance to the double-elimination playoffs bracket and compete for their share of the €15,000 EUR ($16856~ USD) prize pool.
The following teams have advanced from the qualifier and will play in the group stage:
Group A
Apexis Inactive RAZORCONEE Kaan Arslan Maxic Faruk Can Öztürk TARDUU Tardu Kaan Karlı Flash bacyx Tolga Bacak
FABRIKEN Inactive Limpone Linus Wecksell Shrew Gabriel Gessle PHYRN Oskar Palmqvist LATEKS Oliwer Fahlander
G2 Esports
G2 Esports Inactive
need more DM
need more DM Inactive Haxtrax Elek Simon szimpli Bence Soós crazyd33R Gábor Német Barcode Kevin Bana bzt Renátó Bárányos
Group B
breadHUNTERS Inactive Toronto Erdem Soğukpınar m1tez Muhammed Tezcan qRaxs Doğukan Balaban AsLanM4shadoW Ali Osman Balta aimDLL Hüseyin Kabişteke
Prodigy Inactive Happy Vincent Schopenhauer pipsoN Daniil Mesheryakov Boo Ričardas Lukaševičius hoody Aaro Peltokangas delezyh Niki Sutinen
bonk Inactive juseu Elric Belland
PartyParrots Inactive ANGE1 Kyrylo Karasov dinkzj Denis Tkachev Art1st Vyacheslav Lyadnov 7ssk7 Artur Kurshin Shao Andrey Kiprsky