sometimes you just have to fall hard enough to finally wake up.
Liquids gonna be back next masters stonger than ever
Yeah I doubt that
we'll be back stronger. cant wait for yall haters to start bandwagonning #LetsGoLiquid
im the assistant coach
ratio then
You haters? Lmfao I'm a liquid fan they will simply not bounce back in their current form
Agreed. This is a based take, ignore Liannero and all the other haters. We showed them what we are capable of at champs, we can do it again. #LetsGoLiquid
Liannero? Bruh that sounds fucking awful, get a better one like idk Lnero, or something else but not fucking Liannero
well it captures ur personality
But just get a better one, like Lnero, Liannero is just awful
i think ill stick with Lianerro
Why, you can't deny it sounds awful
I admit it sounds awful, but im still gonna keep it to piss you off :)
It doesn't piss me off it just sounds like shit
Rent free
Álcool Gelannero
You'll never know what I've said here
My guy álcool gel is hand sanitizer lul
Better hide the evidence then
considering Liquid wasn't even supposed to be at the event this is a good showing. Hoping you guys bounce back
Yes brother someday they will win an event i trust
They need a change
btw Liquid is seed 4 EMEA.
we will come back stronger brother
yeah no
I hope they finally disband and liquid picks up a team with actual potential.
Yes, like you already said in Master Iceland last year, Masters Berlin and Champions 🙃