Who is supposedly replaceing magnum.

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With the dissolving of the alliance roster and braveaf currently still being suspended I have a theory. Hype is replacing magnum with fearoth joining fnatic as well. Makes sense that if they need to replace braveaf for the near future and are thinking of replacing magnum to bring in a good performing and consistent sentinel like hype. If you look at his performances and stat's they're great and with the backing of fearoth they probably trust how good he is as well.


someone with less than 3k twitter followers:)


If they were to buy out a contract, they would get vo0kashu. It's already been said, however, that even him would be too expensive and they're most likely going to uncover another gem like braveaf. Also, braveaf is most likely coming back, don't see why he would get banned from playing.

GLN321 [#3]

If they were to buy out a contract, they would get vo0kashu. It's already been said, however, that even him would be too expensive and they're most likely going to uncover another gem like braveaf. Also, braveaf is most likely coming back, don't see why he would get banned from playing.

I think op means that braveaf might not be able to go to lans for a while


Hype makes most sense IMO. One of if not the best non Russian sentinel coming from tier 2 EU.

feelsbadboaster [#4]

I think op means that braveaf might not be able to go to lans for a while

he talked about braveaf being suspended so I dont think it was about that. Even then, I don't think getting rid of all russian players is the move forward, unless you predict they will not be able to travel for months/years to come. Most of them are too good to be ignored


I don't think they are gonna keep braveaf suspended.

GLN321 [#3]

If they were to buy out a contract, they would get vo0kashu. It's already been said, however, that even him would be too expensive and they're most likely going to uncover another gem like braveaf. Also, braveaf is most likely coming back, don't see why he would get banned from playing.

I mean like if braveaf is unable to comeback because the suspension stays in place, fearoth will probably be the first person they would consider as the replacement and because hype is still a great player and has the backing of fearoth he's probably going to be given a good chance. Alliance weren't even bad this split and 1 player possibly leaving shouldn't be enough to dissolve a decent roster is the main reason for what i'm saying. Like maybe 2 players of the core leaving could be enough to end the project you know? If it makes other players not want to play or makes the org lose trust/interest in continuing. Like vo0kashu is good and has great highs but in the sense of consistency hype seems to be more consistent and is more of a 100 percent sentinel that fnatic will need. Also maybe there is a factor that because of the situation that happened with braveaf that management would probably be hesitant to sign another russian player during this time. Whether it be for pr, passport issues or just wtv fnatic is a team that no matter what circumstances that want to be the best and they wouldn't want any extraneous variables like nationality interfering with their results in any form or at any time.


Braveaf has already apologized, and honestly I highly doubt they are gonna keep him suspended. Ig they kinda had to for the social pressure plus he wouldn’t have been able to play anyway. Probably will be back for next VCT imo plus I don’t think what he did was so bad anyway

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