fluyr nip coach talking weird shit to a minor

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internet explorer moment


he's a weirdo, watch how people will try and justify this behavior

Slashyiguess [#3]

he's a weirdo, watch how people will try and justify this behavior

literally no one is defending him, look at the first post that was made about it, just some weirdos who tried




It's a strange phrase, but I don't think he says it to embarrass the girl, at the end of the clip he said it was a joke


woah wtf it was only few hours ago that i praised fluyr...

cryyy [#6]

It's a strange phrase, but I don't think he says it to embarrass the girl, at the end of the clip he said it was a joke

well even if he says that it was a joke, if the other person felt differently, then its not really a joke anymore to that person.


1: literally everyone knows that he does these types of jokes
2: he doenst have a third eye to know that the girl is underage
3: he literally said its a joke on the final of the clip
4: literally deleted the clip
5: probably will make an apology later
6: xand literally makes these exact type of joke with cauanzin when hes 26 and cauan is 16-17, where are yall at talking about it?
Just touch grass jesus
The funniest thing is how yall are cancelling someone who is known for these jokes and literally carries a name to it (delira coach) but when with keznit being blatantly weirdo calling someone an ape even with the past things is okay

andrewdamf [#9]

1: literally everyone knows that he does these types of jokes
2: he doenst have a third eye to know that the girl is underage
3: he literally said its a joke on the final of the clip
4: literally deleted the clip
5: probably will make an apology later
6: xand literally makes these exact type of joke with cauanzin when hes 26 and cauan is 16-17, where are yall at talking about it?
Just touch grass jesus
The funniest thing is how yall are cancelling someone who is known for these jokes and literally carries a name to it (delira coach) but when with keznit being blatantly weirdo calling someone an ape even with the past things is okay

ah tq for the summary

andrewdamf [#9]

1: literally everyone knows that he does these types of jokes
2: he doenst have a third eye to know that the girl is underage
3: he literally said its a joke on the final of the clip
4: literally deleted the clip
5: probably will make an apology later
6: xand literally makes these exact type of joke with cauanzin when hes 26 and cauan is 16-17, where are yall at talking about it?
Just touch grass jesus
The funniest thing is how yall are cancelling someone who is known for these jokes and literally carries a name to it (delira coach) but when with keznit being blatantly weirdo calling someone an ape even with the past things is okay

Second: Jett helped him to get orb so he said she helped him to "grow up" because when sova use ult he do some "small jump" kinda growing up.

IXVI [#11]

Second: Jett helped him to get orb so he said she helped him to "grow up" because when sova use ult he do some "small jump" kinda growing up.

On twitter, the girl said that when he found out she was 17, he stopped talking to her, I think he understood that she wasn't enjoying it

IXVI [#11]

Second: Jett helped him to get orb so he said she helped him to "grow up" because when sova use ult he do some "small jump" kinda growing up.

yeah man, this cancelling is making me so mad, fluyr is one of the most humble, kind, funny and even before all that an insane good coach, people are just jealous or something idk.

DeluluGavin [#8]

well even if he says that it was a joke, if the other person felt differently, then its not really a joke anymore to that person.

Yeah, but he can't know that girl will be embarrassed by the prank


Really, if internet police becomes a paid job in the future...

andrewdamf [#9]

1: literally everyone knows that he does these types of jokes
2: he doenst have a third eye to know that the girl is underage
3: he literally said its a joke on the final of the clip
4: literally deleted the clip
5: probably will make an apology later
6: xand literally makes these exact type of joke with cauanzin when hes 26 and cauan is 16-17, where are yall at talking about it?
Just touch grass jesus
The funniest thing is how yall are cancelling someone who is known for these jokes and literally carries a name to it (delira coach) but when with keznit being blatantly weirdo calling someone an ape even with the past things is okay

ur the one who needs to touch grass if ur trying to justify this

cryyy [#14]

Yeah, but he can't know that girl will be embarrassed by the prank

sure. because it's widely known women love to hear about provoking stranger's erections, so it's a huge mystery how she would feel

andrewdamf [#9]

1: literally everyone knows that he does these types of jokes
2: he doenst have a third eye to know that the girl is underage
3: he literally said its a joke on the final of the clip
4: literally deleted the clip
5: probably will make an apology later
6: xand literally makes these exact type of joke with cauanzin when hes 26 and cauan is 16-17, where are yall at talking about it?
Just touch grass jesus
The funniest thing is how yall are cancelling someone who is known for these jokes and literally carries a name to it (delira coach) but when with keznit being blatantly weirdo calling someone an ape even with the past things is okay

  1. no. i bet the girl never heard of him, doesn't know his jokes and even if she did, she is not obligated to be the butt of a joke and find it funny
  2. maybe he shouldn't be talking sexual stuff to strangers then
  3. it doesn't change anything. keznit always says its a joke and we don't accept it as an excuse.
  4. sure he did, he doesn't want it to make him look bad. the problem isn't the clip, it's about the girls feelings and how women are treating in the community.
  5. have you heard of consent? cauazin gives consent to xand to joke, the girl never did. she was verbally abused simply because she is female.
andrewdamf [#13]

yeah man, this cancelling is making me so mad, fluyr is one of the most humble, kind, funny and even before all that an insane good coach, people are just jealous or something idk.

proibido fazer piadas em 2022

andrewdamf [#9]

1: literally everyone knows that he does these types of jokes
2: he doenst have a third eye to know that the girl is underage
3: he literally said its a joke on the final of the clip
4: literally deleted the clip
5: probably will make an apology later
6: xand literally makes these exact type of joke with cauanzin when hes 26 and cauan is 16-17, where are yall at talking about it?
Just touch grass jesus
The funniest thing is how yall are cancelling someone who is known for these jokes and literally carries a name to it (delira coach) but when with keznit being blatantly weirdo calling someone an ape even with the past things is okay

1: i am literally known for calling brazilians monkies
2: i dont have a third eye to know ur brazilian
3: i literally said its a joke at the end of the clip
4: i literally deleted the clip
5: im sorry for calling u a monkey
6: keznit literally always calls brazilians monkies, where are yall at talking about it?
Just touch grass jesus
The funniest thing is how yall are cancelling me who is known for calling brazilians monkies and literally carries a name to it

makewar [#18]
  1. no. i bet the girl never heard of him, doesn't know his jokes and even if she did, she is not obligated to be the butt of a joke and find it funny
  2. maybe he shouldn't be talking sexual stuff to strangers then
  3. it doesn't change anything. keznit always says its a joke and we don't accept it as an excuse.
  4. sure he did, he doesn't want it to make him look bad. the problem isn't the clip, it's about the girls feelings and how women are treating in the community.
  5. have you heard of consent? cauazin gives consent to xand to joke, the girl never did. she was verbally abused simply because she is female.

1 never even said that she had to find it funny or know him or whatever
2 like every other streamer right? But no! Fluyr cant! He cant make sexual jokes without knowing their real age! maybe literally open twitch and go to any streamer that they will be making these jokes or did make in the past without knowing shit (or cancel them too to be fair)
4 he didnt delete it to not make him to look bad, *he doenst want to make it worse since yall cant understand a basic joke, im sure if people understood it he wouldnt delete it lmfao. And if she felt so attacked she could say she was uncomfy, mute, but Nah. Wait till fluyr discovers shes underage, that she didnt like it and make a whole ass tweet crying saying "omg how this a pro player??" Without even knowing he is a coach and just wanting to cancel him obviously, ik women suffer but she could have way better ways to solve this
5 and the typical twitter argument: i really cant deny that so i will use the "consent to something to joke about card!"
Maybe use this dogshit ass logic with every comedian or literally anyone that made any "offensive" joke in their life since yall are so perfect and cant make jokes without consent.

And im not even gonna spend more of my time explaining the cultural differences by the word "daddy" which here can be used in a "funny" way or just by calling someone,.while in EU could be seen as something cringe or something. Gn


Ya'll need a new hobby. Nobody cares about your internet police cancel culture bullshit. Except other mentally unhealthy people.

andrewdamf [#9]

1: literally everyone knows that he does these types of jokes
2: he doenst have a third eye to know that the girl is underage
3: he literally said its a joke on the final of the clip
4: literally deleted the clip
5: probably will make an apology later
6: xand literally makes these exact type of joke with cauanzin when hes 26 and cauan is 16-17, where are yall at talking about it?
Just touch grass jesus
The funniest thing is how yall are cancelling someone who is known for these jokes and literally carries a name to it (delira coach) but when with keznit being blatantly weirdo calling someone an ape even with the past things is okay

cry is free


cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel!!

andrewdamf [#13]

yeah man, this cancelling is making me so mad, fluyr is one of the most humble, kind, funny and even before all that an insane good coach, people are just jealous or something idk.

Forçou demaisss
Mais humilde?
Mais gentil? Kkkkkkk

O cara vira e mexe tá tiltado falando merda pra teammates, já foi cancelado várias vezes, se ele fosse humilde e gentil mesmo, ele seria um dos maiores streamers da Twitch, mas muita gente tipo eu, n vai com a cara dele pelo histórico dele

Mais engraçado até pode ser..

MAHVEL [#22]

Ya'll need a new hobby. Nobody cares about your internet police cancel culture bullshit. Except other mentally unhealthy people.

but cancel?

andrewdamf [#13]

yeah man, this cancelling is making me so mad, fluyr is one of the most humble, kind, funny and even before all that an insane good coach, people are just jealous or something idk.

Esse dai é só mais um de várias tretas que ele se envolve

morolei [#25]

Forçou demaisss
Mais humilde?
Mais gentil? Kkkkkkk

O cara vira e mexe tá tiltado falando merda pra teammates, já foi cancelado várias vezes, se ele fosse humilde e gentil mesmo, ele seria um dos maiores streamers da Twitch, mas muita gente tipo eu, n vai com a cara dele pelo histórico dele

Mais engraçado até pode ser..

Fala merda n mano, todo mundo sabe que o fluyr era tiltado e isso era só no CS, a galera que ele jogava e se envolvia com ele não era bom pro mental dele, fazendo que ele ficasse falando muita merda, além disso nunca vi ele falar merda sobre teammate sem o time dele tá trollando, o que muita gente fez no CS justamente pra ele ficar tiltado e dar rage porque era "engraçado" porque as pessoas viam ele como personagem pelo jeito que ele é e achavam isso sobre os rages tmb, mas quem sabe sabe que ele se fodeu bastante mentalmente. E essa lógica de "se fosse humilde mesmo seria o maior da twitch " é até piada. Tem muitos streamers que não são nada humildes e ainda pegam vários viewers, a galera aí que é realmente humilde demorou anos e anos, como o gaules além de precisar de várias outras coisas pra conseguir atenção das pessoas pra ele

andrewdamf [#28]

Fala merda n mano, todo mundo sabe que o fluyr era tiltado e isso era só no CS, a galera que ele jogava e se envolvia com ele não era bom pro mental dele, fazendo que ele ficasse falando muita merda, além disso nunca vi ele falar merda sobre teammate sem o time dele tá trollando, o que muita gente fez no CS justamente pra ele ficar tiltado e dar rage porque era "engraçado" porque as pessoas viam ele como personagem pelo jeito que ele é e achavam isso sobre os rages tmb, mas quem sabe sabe que ele se fodeu bastante mentalmente. E essa lógica de "se fosse humilde mesmo seria o maior da twitch " é até piada. Tem muitos streamers que não são nada humildes e ainda pegam vários viewers, a galera aí que é realmente humilde demorou anos e anos, como o gaules além de precisar de várias outras coisas pra conseguir atenção das pessoas pra ele

As tretas antigas do fluyr são bobas, uma vez q falou mal da mina que pixou o corpo dele no cs, e uma vez que chamou um cara de ghost e o cara foi pro twitter chorar, agora essa do "assédio" pegou mal realmente, por causa da piada de duplo sentido, mas a tentativa de cancelamento tá desproporcional, vai ver porque as pessoas já tem essa antipatia de graça por ele, igual o amigo ai

Slashyiguess [#3]

he's a weirdo, watch how people will try and justify this behavior

i mean it definitely was a weird joke but i dont think people should judge someones character off something they see in one game of valorant

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