no_noise_979 [#12]
Deepmans is someone who is special, H1ber is great (top 3 jett in regional leagues probably) but is closer to the other Jetts stats wise
Deepmans: 280 acs, 1.55kd
H1ber: 271 acs, 1.29kd
jannyXD: 234 acs, 1.3kd
Fit1nho: 241 acs, 1.27kd
xuss: 252 acs, 1.25kd
you must be joking, also deepmans plays in a much easier league, last year when both played similar level of valorant they had similar stats/h1ber even better, deepmans didnt play much jett last year tho, so all his jett stats is in a weak regional league, also stats isnt everything, if you have actually watching all this jetts you mentioned play, fitinho is clear of janny and xuss even if he has performed pretty meh for the player he is recently but either way h1ber and deepmans are very evenly matched, both could be star duelists in top emea teams, also how is your argument stats when they have 9 acs difference and h1ber is playing harder opposition? how does it make sense?