Every region has a match to watch today!
KR - HM vs Ons
JP - Zeta vs IGZ
APAC - PRX vs Bleed
Xerxia vs FS/Boom
EMEA - FNC vs G2
NA - C9 vs TGRD
BR - VK vs NIP
All matches are going to be very close and fun to watch!!
LegendaryPP [#5]All these matches and still i choose to sleep. Wake me up when Master started.
big L, you are missing out on a lot
sueYA [#6]big L, you are missing out on a lot
Can't help it I'm sleep deprived, fck university that giving out excessive unnecessary assignment.
LegendaryPP [#7]Can't help it I'm sleep deprived, fck university that giving out excessive unnecessary assignment.
uff gl brother, take care of your health first rest comes later
LegendaryPP [#7]Can't help it I'm sleep deprived, fck university that giving out excessive unnecessary assignment.
Sad. Good luck tho. I would be watching most of them tomorrow (vods/highlights) too. Fuck college dude