SEA teams level

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Oh ok so Canada cant be compared to USA because theyre in the saame region, yea ye understandable. Its almost like ppl are saying teams come from a single country/subregion... oh wait.
Yall are actually braindead, no one is fucking hating on india or OCE, were simply saying that compared to SEA they aint shit. Turkey is the same way compared to CIS. The teams come from a subregion/country, they dont come FROM THE REGION get that into your head. Asia is a massive continent and we cant talk about it as a whole cause there are definitely so many parts of asia that CANNOT produce near the talent that SEA can. I can say SEA>JP cause thats fucking true, all the JP teams are ass and lumping all the APAC teams into one is just a disrespect to all the SEA and Korean teams that have proven themselves internationally.


mate shut the fuck up how is JP in APAC ? when they have separate qualifier
Turkey can be compared to CIS coz they're both subregion under EMEA
but under APAC there is no such subregion as SEA if there was, there should have been a combined SEA quali which there isnt

not reading other bullshit coz you got geographical terms and VCT Terms confused Im strictly speaking in context to VCT just like EMEA has 3 subregions CIS TR and EU
APAC has 8 suberegions MY/SG TH ID VN PH SA OCE HK/TW

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