Dude really has a big mouth for a guy that had to cheat in CS to stay relevant in Tier 2 NA
Dude really has a big mouth for a guy that had to cheat in CS to stay relevant in Tier 2 NA
AhsanX [#5]Cope bozo, at least he's not a cheater rat. Imagine throwing for skins. Cheaters never learn.
ratio + T1 will still own TeamSubrozaMald on second qualifier
drewxa [#7]ratio + T1 will still own TeamSubrozaMald on second qualifier
Go look at TSM vs T1 match history bozo
TSM - 4
Trash1 - 1
DogeForPres [#3]
This u?Cuz if this is ur evidence ur fuckin delusional
I mean most of the clips are just nothing (his cheating accusations were before this, before he was signed to a real org where he did so much suspicious shit)
the most suspicious part was the cheating forum/website accounts I mean that wasn't "faked" or something that was 100% him, if you watch some of his old matches it'll be pretty clear he was cheating tbh. Personally I think he stopped cheating once he got signed to CLG but he definitely cheated before that.
AhsanX [#8]Go look at TSM vs T1 match history bozo
TSM - 4
Trash1 - 1
Look at the dates on those, both teams had different rosters back then. Are you actually that fucking Pepega?
Azaqa [#9]I mean most of the clips are just nothing (his cheating accusations were before this, before he was signed to a real org where he did so much suspicious shit)
the most suspicious part was the cheating forum/website accounts I mean that wasn't "faked" or something that was 100% him, if you watch some of his old matches it'll be pretty clear he was cheating tbh. Personally I think he stopped cheating once he got signed to CLG but he definitely cheated before that.
drewxa [#11]Look at the dates on those, both teams had different rosters back then. Are you actually that fucking Pepega?
Doesn't matter, cheaters never win
AhsanX [#13]Doesn't matter, cheaters never win
You make a point and then make another pointless argument as soon as it gets shot down. You are actually pathetic.
redlight [#15]coach = team
okay 1Head.
Disagree because even though the coach was giving comms, the players were still complicit with the cheating.
AhsanX [#6]Give some fking evidence then talk
Stop riding his peen and then once it’s out of your ass come back and we’ll still call you a dumb sht
drewxa [#4]not a tsm fan but p sure he didn't cheat in cs
Not saying he didn’t or didn’t cheat. But subroza had the same amount of flusha kind of clips in one tournament that took flusha a few years to get.
Definitely was a sketchy player at the start of his career.
DogeForPres [#3]
This u?Cuz if this is ur evidence ur fuckin delusional
People accused him of cheating because he had the same kind of flusha sketchy style clips from one event that took flusha a few years to get. Definitely a sketchy player but not entirely sure if he cheated. No one will know besides him.
Azaqa [#21]flair checks out, average delusional and braindead TSM fan
i think u dont need to say the rest. just say tsm fan and we will get it