Mickey mouse win
Should complain after the game smh, atleast try to win first
Unlucky for t1 players
Bronzil also won by crying
NA Valorant
thats it. removing my fucking TSM flair. absolutely horrible
U don't even know what happened lol
dont care. didnt ask
i think this just proves that cheaters should have no place in this game no second chance not difficult dont cheat also dont be a dumb coach
Get full context first bro
dont get me twisted i feel bad for the team not the coach L coach
that is ridiculous.
at least ACEND and VK called the exploit AFTER the game, not in the middle of it.
that is actually fucked up.
honestly bullshit that they gave it to TSM and not gave them like a map. Literally made us wait that long for that shit
Common TSM L
t1 fan, but rules are rules, wtf man david coulda done a better job typing but whatever.
luckily riot doesnt have a market for skins 😂😂😂😂😂
They should do what happened before on Acend vs VK, exploiting is still cheating but they didn't get disqualified, while T1 was disqualified because of the ping and the typing of their coach? both exploits and illegal info are cheating. @riot? 🤡🤡🤡