can they beat BBL?
genuine question
new SMB looks like any other turkish team, old SMB was insane tho ... right now all the turkish teams look average or below i don't know if BBL is gonna get better with paura.. time will tell, BUT there is 1 team that looks real good the FF team, i feel those guys can compete against teams like guild and vitality they have some cracked aimers from what i saw.
and they play smart.
OmegaLUL if people think SMB = weaker. BBL got the best line-up they could make and still no double digits on the scoreboard. Just because you lose some firepower doesn't mean the team is getting worse. Trust me it's not only aim guys. Being smart and playing with smarter teammates with strong aim can make the team and dream work better together :)
LykiaQQ [#10]Smb just played insane hope to see them in emea again
they really didn't, bbl looked flat af