Always knew he is a true duelist and OPer. He is amazing!
Tenstar postplants getting f'd so bad!
Yeah, I guess they didn't have a lot of time to practice them
did u understand this by any chance?
Not sure, maybe for easier control or overtake
hows guild playing with kolda igl-ing
extremely well tbh.
even he's performing pretty well, his firepower seems to have gotten better since he was let go.
very glad
Sayf has always been a monster
yes he is natural sniper, if not for vac he would be best swedish player in cs rn, and one of the best awpers. glad he is showing his skill
i mean nawwk was very good too but he had to replaced cos obv they brought in dev1ce.
Well, technically he played Jett on Nip, but yeah he is god. Leo still better IMO tho
INDEED, Leo is just GOAT my friend Leo-Sayf is probably the best offensive pair in europe
He's insane
Been there since day 1 and people slept on him