Washed boomer needs to retire my dead granddad has better reflexes while being dead
dude made 2 threads about CS players in a valorant forum, go outside.
Wdym go outside its diff timezone here its night im chilling home watching some cs and its offtopic..dont comment in offtopic if you dont understand bruh
go outside when you wake up then
Ok kid go suck zombs dick
no thanks im straight
Stop spamming cringe threads cretin
fallen is washed in cs but he would be a top valorant awper lul
๐ โ๐งข
How much?
heard of hltv.org?
Heard of offtopic?
just Fallen is already bigger than all of the argentinian players in history
Thats true
dont change the fact that he is washed up
Fallen: 5 good maps Argentinian: Zzzz
Fallen: 1 bad map Argentinians: boomer! Trash! Washed!