STAT CHECK: Entries at Champs

Threaded Linear

VLR has some entry stats with first kills, first deaths, and per rounds, but I compiled a list for the First Kill to First Death Ratio (FK/FD).

The Good: Sacy's entry stats are insane, he has very good first kills per round as well as some of the lowest first deaths per round. His entry efficiency is off the charts. It is critical for Sova players to stay alive until late game but Sacy does it while having star player impact.
The Bad: Liquid struggled with entries and soulcas did not help matters. Fisker is the lowest of the hard entry duelists.
The Interesting: A couple players like crashies, heat, and Witz did well despite poor entry efficiency while players like Mistic, mitch, and Rb had poor stats but decent entry numbers.

    Player  Fk/Fd
1   Sacy    3.000
2   SicK    2.214
3   foxz    2.182
4   Sushibo 1.929
5   Mistic  1.875
6   LAMMYS  1.800
7   yay     1.667
8   DubsteP 1.565
9   L1NK    1.500
10  Lakia   1.500
11  Magnum  1.467
12  starxo  1.467
13  zeek    1.424
14  cNed    1.400
15  TenZ    1.379
16  d3ffo   1.364
17  mitch   1.333
18  xeta    1.333
19  leaf    1.279
20  Derke   1.250
21  Patiph  1.222
22  ScreaM  1.208
23  Doma    1.200
24  ShahZam 1.182
25  Chronic 1.160
26  Nozwerr 1.143
27  BuZz    1.080
28  Jamppi  1.077
29  saadhak 1.063
30  Rb      1.059
31  gtnziN  1.059
32  xand    1.048
33  NagZ    1.020
34  Bazzi   1.000
35  Redgar  1.000
36  Crws    1.000
37  keznit  0.976
38  sheydos 0.969
39  Kiles   0.944
40  PTC     0.923
41  JessieV 0.889
42  Mazino  0.875
43  Mazin   0.846
44  nAts    0.844
45  Quick   0.824
46  heat    0.813
47  k1Ng    0.800
48  Jhow    0.800
49  Xeppaa  0.800
50  BORKUM  0.786
51  Marved  0.786
52  dapr    0.783
53  frz     0.778
54  Witz    0.769
55  vanity  0.762
56  JohnOls 0.733
57  mwzera  0.714
58  Munchk  0.714
59  dispens 0.692
60  delz1k  0.680
61  BONECO  0.679
62  Klaus   0.667
63  FNS     0.643
64  Nivera  0.636
65  sutecas 0.615
66  Khalil  0.615
67  neth    0.600
68  SuperBu 0.600
69  MaKo    0.600
70  stax    0.588
71  crashie 0.571
72  murizzz 0.545
73  zombs   0.538
74  Victor  0.520
75  v1xen   0.500
76  ChAlala 0.500
77  Fisker  0.474
78  Boaster 0.421
79  sScary  0.400
80  soulcas 0.321
81  ade     0.286
82  Medusa  0.000

sacy is actually goated
but i'd like to point out that in these stats the amount of rounds played holds a huge part in it.


Tru dat


Absolutely, the more rounds played the more the stats tended towards the middle. The players who played in 2 series or less probably shouldn't be here. Medusa and Lakia played in 36 and 23 rounds respectively and are at the extremes. I figured most of the players had enough rounds played to make it interesting at least.


Sacy is my idol he is so wholesome and doesn't cause drama


Another ez W for sacy, hopefully we get 100T Sacy in 2023


the fact that tenz is that high even with probably the worst performance in his valorant career is a good sign I guess


this can be very misleading, but interesting nonetheless


Medusa lmao

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