TSM will win Champions. Wardell one of the only players who diffed yay (when TSM played against NV to qualify for Berlin). Shows how good he is. With Corey they will be unstoppable. (Not sure about Rossy tho)
Mortadelo [#4]“Wardell is one of the only players who diffed yay” Look at yay being literally diffed by a guy called Sushiboys kekw
So does that mean that sushi guy can diff Wardell? EU logic KEKW
AhsanX [#9]So does that mean that sushi guy can diff Wardell? EU logic KEKW
That’s exactly what it means, NA logic
crazy_igel_fan [#16]Pakistan is not in NA, yikes
Yeah but Canada where the guy that started this logic is from, is :)
Mortadelo [#17]Yeah but Canada where the guy that started this logic is from, is :)
What does WARDELL have to do with logic?
AhsanX [#18]What does WARDELL have to do with logic?
Yeah wardell and logic don't add up, especially in the same sentence
DELUSIONAL_RUSSZ_FAN [#19]Yeah wardell and logic don't add up, especially in the same sentence
Logic the rapper?
DELUSIONAL_RUSSZ_FAN [#19]Yeah wardell and logic don't add up, especially in the same sentence
EU humor
AhsanX [#18]What does WARDELL have to do with logic?
The guy of the thread said that as Wardell diffed yay once and yay is good internationally Wardell will be too. I said that yay also was diffed by “Sushiboys”.
But the rule of if a diffes b that has diffed c than a>c was started by him. That’s why NA logic
brookrbrub [#23]im genuinely asking lmao and im not from eu if you actually have eyes
Jan 27th will be the first OPEN qualififiers and if they dont qualify to MAIN in that they'll disband for sure cuz NA has only 1 challengers for qualifying to master whereas other regions have 2....so if TSM fucks up opens at jan27th- Feb2nd (5days) they will surely disband
ILL [#24]Jan 27th will be the first OPEN qualififiers and if they dont qualify to MAIN in that they'll disband for sure cuz NA has only 1 challengers for qualifying to master whereas other regions have 2....so if TSM fucks up opens at jan27th- Feb2nd (5days) they will surely disband
Sorry but, why does na only have one qualis?
brookrbrub [#23]im genuinely asking lmao and im not from eu if you actually have eyes
Damn bro i thought u from monaco or poland
brookrbrub [#25]Sorry but, why does na only have one qualis?
No idea but they just have one challengers....u can check it at "Events" on top...
All other regions have 2 challengers for stage 1 but NA jus have one for some reason....
I think NA will have 2 open qualifiers for the main event and it will be a leauge format in the main event cuz it says the main event goes on for 1 and a half months