obviously subject to change based on results of champs
1) scream -- unstoppable force of liquid, superstar rifling ability, simply the most threatening player on the server at all times
2) yay -- capable of turning the most impossible situations, most complete jett player (rifle + awp). completely gapped every other duelist at berlin
3) cned -- undeniably the best awper in the world. complete agent mastery, forces teams to avoid him
4) keznit -- rising superstar with explosive skill on multiple different agents, if KRU win the event he will be in contention for the best
5) leaf -- hypercarry of c9, is minimally supported by his team but is one of the most impactful players in the world
6) derke -- completely different beast on LAN, similar to leaf in how he carries his team but receives more support in doing it
7) tenz -- put up uncharacteristic scores at this event resulting in this placement but an undisputable talent that put up anomalous numbers at iceland
special mentions to heat, d3ffo, patiphan, buzz