valulrantefanboy [#3]why ?? Spanish fans support KRU so much
Yeah, I love LATAM, but Ive meet a lot of people from LATAM hating on spanish people for that reason
andrewdamf [#6]Dude are you actually this dumb? Everyone on latam has spain blood
Also stop trying to make Wars between Brasil and Argentina, Chile and etc u weirdo.
andrewdamf [#6]Dude are you actually this dumb? Everyone on latam has spain blood
Bruh you are the dumb here, research on Internet, LATAM has blood also from french, italian, german, british...)
matiasqnt [#12]Bro.. wtf with you? first Latam hate Brasil and now spain? are you xenofobic or something? your ex is from latam? what happend with you? lmao
Might just be a salty 'Murican
matiasqnt [#12]Bro.. wtf with you? first Latam hate Brasil and now spain? are you xenofobic or something? your ex is from latam? what happend with you? lmao
Don't get this people manito... this site has a bunch of weirdos
matiasqnt [#12]Bro.. wtf with you? first Latam hate Brasil and now spain? are you xenofobic or something? your ex is from latam? what happend with you? lmao
Pero que dices? hahahah si yo he viajado por LATAM y me encanta, es un forum y puedo preguntar lo que me sale de los cojones. Me vas a decir que los argentinos no os picais con los de brasil?
durum [#14]Bruh you are the dumb here, research on Internet, LATAM has blood also from french, italian, german, british...)
Okkk??? I know Basic history?? I never said latam doenst have any of these bloods. In fact everyone knows latam for being mestizos bruh. U are actually a weirdo bruh
durum [#18]Pero que dices? hahahah si yo he viajado por LATAM y me encanta, es un forum y puedo preguntar lo que me sale de los cojones. Me vas a decir que los argentinos no os picais con los de brasil?
ValdemieGC [#4]man why are you bringing drama here?
shut the fuck up
hahahaha he mirado tus posts y me tengo que reir, me hablas de drama tu
durum [#14]Bruh you are the dumb here, research on Internet, LATAM has blood also from french, italian, german, british...)
Also spain didnt discover shit.
andrewdamf [#19]Okkk??? I know Basic history?? I never said latam doenst have any of these bloods. In fact everyone knows latam for being mestizos bruh. U are actually a weirdo bruh
weirdo? for asking a question? bruh get out of your house, touch some grass and meet some ppl
Mortadelo [#21]Nobody hates nobody wtf, there is almost 250k people in the Spanish streams from Spain and I can guarantee you than at least half of that people is from LATAM
Pocos años debes tener entonces hahahahaha
durum [#26]weirdo? for asking a question? bruh get out of your house, touch some grass and meet some ppl
No you are a weirdo for asking weird questions, its against the rules, your also spreading fake news by saying latam hates spain and that spain discovered latam, and a weirdo for trying to get Wars between us and others.
durum [#27]Pocos años debes tener entonces hahahahaha
Man shut up, we all know what you are doing here. You are just trying to through shit at LATAM because you are jealous, we all know Burritos >>> Durum
durum [#14]Bruh you are the dumb here, research on Internet, LATAM has blood also from french, italian, german, british...)
que te calles bobo, ya sabes a q se refiere. dejen de meter pelea que no existen
durum [#24]hahahaha he mirado tus posts y me tengo que reir, me hablas de drama tu
pierdes el tiempo stalkeando comments de gente que ni conoces
no me seas rarito
durum [#7]Yeah, I love LATAM, but Ive meet a lot of people from LATAM hating on spanish people for that reason
mentira rey, un beso