Why do they feel the need to taunt and trashtalk others all the time? I do not understand.
because everyone else is trash
what else can they be good at? they clearly arent good at going through to the quarter finals
Damn, go easy to these kids.
That had to be the latest joke I've heard
because it makes the matches more fun and nervewracking , rather than making them look like literall ai only made to play with 0 personality
I understand.
That's pretty funny coming from EU
What? we are humble.
Worst bait
Don't be cocky Botinels fan. EU is gonna win this tournament.
You just proved my point
Players, idk it’s weird
But viewers, imo EU viewers are just as if not more cocky
Every region has that problem, it’s not specific to NA only. In my experience EU players are the same and even worse sometimes.
because murica
idk but if ur gonna trashtalk better back it up, it backfired to both sentinels and c9 and its hella satisfying to watch
players: they are trolling and farming impressions and europeans are too stupid and soft to notice. viewers: eu viewers/fans are the most arrogant and annoying fans i've seen in any esport.
What in the victim complex
Untrue, even in LoL, NA fans are super cocky, even worse than EU fans.
You've got to be blind if you think that
Look at players like Dapr, Zombs for example, they are cocky and bad.
We are talking about fans and then you start talking about players, make up your mind brother.
Edit: but if you want cocky EU players look at starxo and koldamenta, cocky and bad.
Well I go outside so I don't know what goes on in league of legends
If you wanna talk about other games, just look at apex from Vitality Biggest shit talker and crybaby that got shit on by Liquid so many times lul
Ok but who cares about a shit BR? no one.
He's literally a CS player from your country.
Ah I don't watch CS.
its funny
Every region is cocky when they win, Look at any game thread