could someone explain the meme with tsm? I saw a fnatic player (boaster I guess?) joking with tsm and I see people on the forum joking with them too, could explain me please?
when does tsm play???
It's funny!
yes but i wanted to understand the origin of this meme
I guess it’s TSM going downhill all year long
Nah it's prob coz he wanted to join TSM, and he made a song but TSM didn't pick him up... so it's kind of showing the irony... LOL!
cope, seethe, mald.
Boaster is fucking hilarious
TSM has an upcoming scheduled game at champions and boaster was wondering when it was, idk if he has gotten his answer yet
because TSM has a lot of fans but they get beaten by their academy team
tsm is just a meme team in valorant every fan is always high on copium
TSM is a team that haven't had any success in a long time, despise being quite a popular team, so people meme them