Dont you think the retake positions are weird af , like C9 getting all the CT and FNC taking Site while retaking
fnatic playing retake most of the time ye
The Sage meta is coming back
it never left It's S tier on Icebox even without being necessary to plant on B
I thought people stopped using it for a while no?
Not really , still about 70-75 % of Icebox comps had the sage
I don’t like Icebox, it’s too cold.
only real opinion on the map
It’s a game of whose able to outflank who is able to outflank who is able to outflank…..
the amount of bs ability in this game i think its safer to go to ct rather than stay at site and getting slowed / raze boombot + grenade and killjoy annoying turret + sova drone + sova dart