Okay heres a fun bet !
if furia beats SEN , i wont wear a sen flair the whole tourney , but i will stil support them , deal? , i wont pussy out dw
Bhadwa [#2]If furia beats sen no one will use the sen flair
because the chances of sen winning the tourney will be 0
not necessarily , i would still have faith , i know what theyre capable of , and even if they lose to furia , they can make it thru Lowers and hopefully be in form for playoffs
ShadowisBAD [#5]not necessarily , i would still have faith , i know what theyre capable of , and even if they lose to furia , they can make it thru Lowers and hopefully be in form for playoffs
no way lmao. If they choke to a team like furia , they wont do shit
LifeIsALie [#21]no way lmao. If they choke to a team like furia , they wont do shit
c9 0-2 to winning major while bring underdogs, so I think anything could happen
pokedyo [#28]c9 0-2 to winning major while bring underdogs, so I think anything could happen
Just an exception
Usually the probability is very low
Bhadwa [#31]Just an exception
Usually the probability is very low
look at TI10 Team spirit run they were sent to lower bracket at the start no one expected them to win yet they went on a tear in lower bracket, then look at OG from TI8 they were the worst team ranked going into TI yet they won it. So underdogs are everywhere even V1 who beat TL with a sub.
iclappedurmama [#4]Yeah I believe you just don't back out if that happens & say I was just trolling them for fun nothing serious like some guys here do.
only problem is , i might accidently forget this cuz i have tests lol , so if sen lose someone comment on this post so i remember
ShadowisBAD [#6]only problem is , i might accidently forget this cuz i have tests lol , so if sen lose someone comment on this post so i remember
Hereby I take the pledge that I shall remind you about this post if this happens.
people on here have made that bet in the past, no one commits to it, this is actually a fair one
jblancard [#9]if sen loses to furia i will use furia flair til first vct match of 2022
werent u the guy who said if sen vs furia is close i lost hope for sen ? , bro thats stupid , Furia must be a good team assuming they made the biggest event of the year , so if SEN drop a map to furia i wont be surprised cuz they always look a lil shaky in their first series , but pick up the pace later
ShadowisBAD [#11]werent u the guy who said if sen vs furia is close i lost hope for sen ? , bro thats stupid , Furia must be a good team assuming they made the biggest event of the year , so if SEN drop a map to furia i wont be surprised cuz they always look a lil shaky in their first series , but pick up the pace later
good team? maybe, but if sen is defeated by 'just a good brazil team', then they definitely arent as good as they used to be so ill lose hope of them winning champions
jblancard [#16]good team? maybe, but if sen is defeated by 'just a good brazil team', then they definitely arent as good as they used to be so ill lose hope of them winning champions
'They must be a good team cuz they made the biggest event of the year"
ShadowisBAD [#17]'They must be a good team cuz they made the biggest event of the year"
yea? and so did x10
ciro [#10]If SEN loses to Furia, i will hard troll you on this site for a whole month
Oh shit , so if sen loses ill just banish myself to save my health LOL
ShadowisBAD [#12]Oh shit , so if sen loses ill just banish myself to save my health LOL
your father gonna dump you in a garbage can shithole
cned_best_player [#19]if furia wins i will give everyone on this thread 5$
cned stop wasting money, save for the op skins coming in the future
cned_best_player [#19]if furia wins i will give everyone on this thread 5$
If furia wins I will paypal you $5
kristof [#25]Just as I thought… once sentinels will start losing everyone will change their team flair.. sentinels have no real fans only fake ones who only supporting them because they are winning…
faze players ? modCheck
jblancard [#26]faze players ? modCheck
Thats exactly what im talking about… faze is nowhere but im still supporting them. 99% of you would never support sentinels if they were in the same shoes as faze
kristof [#29]Thats exactly what im talking about… faze is nowhere but im still supporting them. 99% of you would never support sentinels if they were in the same shoes as faze
i would , just cuz im doing a fun bet ur calling me a bandwagoner , how stupid are ulol
kristof [#25]Just as I thought… once sentinels will start losing everyone will change their team flair.. sentinels have no real fans only fake ones who only supporting them because they are winning…
bitch i support sen fully ,read my full sentence , ialways will support sen ,
ShadowisBAD [#30]bitch i support sen fully ,read my full sentence , ialways will support sen ,
a real supporter would never change his flair even when his team is down
kristof [#35]a real supporter would never change his flair even when his team is down
there are soo many people who support a team without having their flair , i will still support sen , im not a bandwagoner , ur logic sucks , im probably the last sen fan u call a bandwagoner
ShadowisBAD [#36]there are soo many people who support a team without having their flair , i will still support sen , im not a bandwagoner , ur logic sucks , im probably the last sen fan u call a bandwagoner
You are the biggest bandwagooner, you literally admitted and you even made a thread about it that you are going to do it after they lose
kristof [#38]You are the biggest bandwagooner, you literally admitted and you even made a thread about it that you are going to do it after they lose
WTF ? ok ur soo stupid im getting a stroke talking to u , ur soo stupid , noone calls me a bandwagoner other than u, i always support sen , i supported liquid and ge for LCQ cuz i liquid are my fav team in emea , and i wanted to support my region Ge , if thats bandwagoning in ur book ,then ur book is wrong
you literally admitted
WHEN did i admit , ur braindead
ShadowisBAD [#40]WTF ? ok ur soo stupid im getting a stroke talking to u , ur soo stupid , noone calls me a bandwagoner other than u, i always support sen , i supported liquid and ge for LCQ cuz i liquid are my fav team in emea , and i wanted to support my region Ge , if thats bandwagoning in ur book ,then ur book is wrong
you literally admitted
WHEN did i admit , ur braindead
God you are not just stupid and a delusional bandwagoner but you are also soo fkn toxic… and these sentinels fanboys are wondering why everyone is hating them
kristof [#44]God you are not just stupid and a delusional bandwagoner but you are also soo fkn toxic… and these sentinels fanboys are wondering why everyone is hating them
Ur toxic
All u do it hate
U only live for like 80 years and ur wasting ur time on hating on people
Move on u douche ur being toxic towards Sen and their fans and then calling their fans toxic
ShadowisBAD [#45]Ur toxic
All u do it hate
U only live for like 80 years and ur wasting ur time on hating on people
Move on u douche ur being toxic towards Sen and their fans and then calling their fans toxic
Says the guy who is spending 99% of his time on this website and making like 200 post every day
kristof [#38]You are the biggest bandwagooner, you literally admitted and you even made a thread about it that you are going to do it after they lose
He's just doing it for the purpose of a bet. He is so confident that Sen wouldn't lose to Furia that he would need to change his flair.
Blazieboy [#41]He's just doing it for the purpose of a bet. He is so confident that Sen wouldn't lose to Furia that he would need to change his flair.
another Sen bet thread turned into a sen hate thread , god these kids and theyre sen hate boners
kristof [#25]Just as I thought… once sentinels will start losing everyone will change their team flair.. sentinels have no real fans only fake ones who only supporting them because they are winning…
You would never catch me changing the flair, Bandwagonner already changed after Berlin
ciro [#46]I never have and never will change from the Liquid flair and if they ever disband I wont have a flair
Ok so are u calling me a bandwagoner cuz I changed flair to GE and liquid cuz I wanted to support them for LCQ ? Cool
ShadowisBAD [#47]Ok so are u calling me a bandwagoner cuz I changed flair to GE and liquid cuz I wanted to support them for LCQ ? Cool
Nah just trying to say flair bets are cringe af
ShadowisBAD [#50]ok ;( ,day 10001 ig
Swapping flair after 1 loss makes you look like a bandwaggoner and bring unnecessary hate
ciro [#57]Swapping flair after 1 loss makes you look like a bandwaggoner and bring unnecessary hate
i said i will still support them , i just said ill take the flair off just for the tourney , now ur also calling me a bandwagoner , life sucks
ShadowisBAD [#58]i said i will still support them , i just said ill take the flair off just for the tourney , now ur also calling me a bandwagoner , life sucks
no I aint, thats what other vlr.gg users will think
Noyn [#51]Man, you guys are very lunatics, it's not like Korea/China vs Brazil in League of Legends this game, Furia is full of talented players and can beat any team in a FPS game, obviously SEN is favorite, but this disrespect with Furia it's exaggerated zzzzzz 😴🥱
dude i know for a fact that , anyone can beat anyone , i just want to place a fun bet , Didnt expect to get this much hate for it ;(
ShadowisBAD [#52]dude i know for a fact that , anyone can beat anyone , i just want to place a fun bet , Didnt expect to get this much hate for it ;(
ShadowisBAD [#52]dude i know for a fact that , anyone can beat anyone , i just want to place a fun bet , Didnt expect to get this much hate for it ;(
Yes, if Furia wins I think we'll see some people disappear from this site, people talk like Sentinels will play versus 5 Silvers, Furia has been in bootcamp since November 14 adapting to the European style of play, there are Qck and Khalil who are 17yo when they are already the best in Brazil in the role they play, Furia's nobody disrespected and taunt, they are quiet. Meanwhile Sentinels is in LA playing Halo and streaming 24h.
Noyn [#54]Yes, if Furia wins I think we'll see some people disappear from this site, people talk like Sentinels will play versus 5 Silvers, Furia has been in bootcamp since November 14 adapting to the European style of play, there are Qck and Khalil who are 17yo when they are already the best in Brazil in the role they play, Furia's nobody disrespected and taunt, they are quiet. Meanwhile Sentinels is in LA playing Halo and streaming 24h.
Brazil haters would go quiet as fuck
ciro [#55]Brazil haters would go quiet as fuck
Dude, if Sentinels loses after all, I believe this will be the biggest meme in Valorant's history so far, it will only players playing Halo at Photoshop lmao