Why VS should win Champs

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VS should win Champions not cause they have the potential but also it would do wonders for the KR scene. VS winning would provide an incentive for more Korean investment in Val which means it could surpass OW and become the second most popular esport behind LOL. What do you think about this take? I think minority regions like Japan, SEA, KR and Brazil doing well in international tourneys would give incentive for more orgs to invest in Valorant. This would help Valorant esports to flourish in every region and not only in EMEA and NA.


reason why VS should win champs: they play better than everyone else
otherwise they don't deserve to win


I don’t like to say it but honestly I feel like if VS doesn’t win this year or next year, it might be a while before KR gets another good chance, because I feel like the other Asian regions are progressing faster than them. I hope this isn’t the case tho

crazy_igel_fan [#3]

I don’t like to say it but honestly I feel like if VS doesn’t win this year or next year, it might be a while before KR gets another good chance, because I feel like the other Asian regions are progressing faster than them. I hope this isn’t the case tho

yeah, the korean valorant scene isn't doing great at the moment. And without competition neither will VS.

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