drop him Import add3r KOI goes from mid -> dark horse
Drop an igl for a t2 mid player
adder is t1 talent you can't see the vision
Haha funny guy
you would've literally said same abt brawk a few months ago
sidenote: does eu have an igl problem? ball knowers answer.
eu has a big igl problem bro we need em so bad we have 1 good igl and 1 decent igl thats it boaster and boo
what happened to Redgar? bro fell off the edge of the planet wtf
they made him play agents he didn't want to he had to do all the calls and everything whereas in gambit - redgar nAts chronicle all 3 contributed to calls he is a better player than an igl
add3r is not even near brawk lol. and everyone knew brawk was good years ago, but even then brawk is not that good
same for adder. Ever since the franchising split he's been consistently good. Not gonna argue tho, come back to this when he makes it to t1.
sorry lil dude, no one is picking him up
Flyuh is a bottom t3 player anyone else would be an upgrade. A baby with fetal alcohol syndrome would be better for the team than him
not just that. Adder would be a great addition to any T1 team. I say this with my full chest.
flyuh's performance and IGLing both have been bad if he doesnt perform today i am fraud labelling him