??? geng?


U bench foxy9 for some washed ahh player who was on the worst team of 2023, losing 16 games IN A ROW since 2022, and you put him on a role where I remind you used to have METEOR(Bangkok MVP btw).sure I'm biased but replacing foxy with someone older and not even unproven but PROVEN to be bad, AND you lose all the x factor mechanics foxy brought and instead of maybe replacing it with some insane rookie, or some seasoned player, you went with a player with consistent POOR performance who hasn't played since 2023, and all that experience might as well go down the drain because he has been out of the loop for a whole year. sure, maybe dfm 2023 was just cooked, weve seen the geng coaches come from there and cook while some individuals have popped off elsewhere. but this is not it at all. MAYBE they 13 0 13 0 with suggestions dropping 60 kills and prove me wrong, but even dropping a map to boom they were historically good at is crazy to me

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