When I think about it,Tenz is the only player who was still goated going from a superstar duelist to a top 3 flex at the time.My GOAT.dem0n1 and y0y could never.
true goat
you forgot f0rsaken
Very true,but TenZ still higher cause he won both as a Duelist and as a Flex.
less and pancada were initially duelists as well
most people were duelists lol so was Tuyz
I am talking about Duelists turned Flex who actually won major tourneys.
Edit:worded it wrongly,players who were mainly Duelist when they won a turney and then switching Flex.My engrish bad sorry.
Tenz went from Jett ONLY to omen ONLY so no
he definitely didn't play yoru,kayo,gekko too
No he was shit at jt
living up to the name
He was shit at it
s0m went from duelist to smokes too
TuyZ changed from duelist to flex/initiator