The Truth About Gamelanders

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The truth is that this team only farmed many championships in Brazil in 2020 because the competitive level was extremely low and they had Mwzera and Jonn. After that they never changed or wanted to change the way of playing because they believed they were giving bad luck in the championships and died hugging the songwriting of Raze + Reyna until the end. Clearly you see three serious problems in the team that were not resolved throughout the year: 1- No tactical structure and teamplay on the part of the team, it looks like a ranked team commanded by two players who have a lot of confidence and a very strong aim; 2- The lack of flex players on the team, it seems that as much as the team tried to play with Skye, Sage, Viper, etc, they didn't bother to study the concepts of why these agents were strong in META and just picked to show who were “trying” to change, but made these support agents as a duelist, Jonn unable to play for another agent other than Reyna, Mwzera the same with Raze (although he's decent from Jett and Reyna), and Belky from Astra (even in Icebox, he can't play at high level with another controller); 3- The lack of a main Operator in a year when Jett was by far the strongest agent of all, Mwzera is good as an operator but doesn't like to play Jett and doesn't have the patience to play passively, Jonn is unable to playing Sniper anyway is also unable to learn new agents and become flex when clearly Mwzera is a better match for Main duelist than he does. So it's hard, in addition the players' salaries increased a lot because they won several titles last year and First Strike, Mwzera and Jonn started to live with their respective girlfriends and in my opinion this may have had an impact on Mwzera's income drop , but it's just a guess, he is young and will learn to better manage the psychological in the next year.



The truth is br teams are not consistent right now any team can show up

Merc2 [#2]

The truth is br teams are not consistent right now any team can show up

That may be, Vikings and Vivo Keyd were two solid teams and stayed at the top imo


Bom texto, mas discordo da parte: "Jonn unable to play for another agent other than Reyna".



my question is how have they gone for almost a year without addressing any of these problems? it seems absurd to me

if you are a competitive player at heart and have a desire to win, at some point you would feel the need to say to your team. OUR TACTICS ARE DOGSHIT AND WE NEED TO STRATEGIZE. WHATEVER WE'RE DOING IS CLEARLY NOT WORKING

if not even one person on the team is willing to say this what does it say about their characters? do they even want to win

Mevler [#4]

Bom texto, mas discordo da parte: "Jonn unable to play for another agent other than Reyna".


Ok, ele mata de Jett, mas o que faz o boneco ter muito impacto e carregar jogos sozinho é abusar da Operator, Jonn n consegue abusar disso pq n sabe jogar de sniper

ireplytoidiots [#5]

my question is how have they gone for almost a year without addressing any of these problems? it seems absurd to me

if you are a competitive player at heart and have a desire to win, at some point you would feel the need to say to your team. OUR TACTICS ARE DOGSHIT AND WE NEED TO STRATEGIZE. WHATEVER WE'RE DOING IS CLEARLY NOT WORKING

if not even one person on the team is willing to say this what does it say about their characters? do they even want to win

My guess is that the players didn't give much value to what the coaching staff advised, or the Gamelanders coaching staff is too bad

Noyn [#7]

My guess is that the players didn't give much value to what the coaching staff advised, or the Gamelanders coaching staff is too bad

to me that sounds like the players don't care enough about winning then lmao. it doesn't take a genius coaching staff to recognize that your attempts are constantly ending in failure and require a total overhaul.

ireplytoidiots [#8]

to me that sounds like the players don't care enough about winning then lmao. it doesn't take a genius coaching staff to recognize that your attempts are constantly ending in failure and require a total overhaul.

Brazilian players have a difficult ego to deal with ngl, all aim no brain


imo mwzera should quit and LFT since GL clearly don't know how good he is and they clearly dont want to win

HaSanity [#10]

imo mwzera should quit and LFT since GL clearly don't know how good he is and they clearly dont want to win

Indeed, to Vikings, Vivo Keyd, or Havan please, or the next superteam


they are just like tsm. Dominate the first year then dip out.

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