Easily has potential to be the best smokes player in the world but he’s retiring with fns at the end of this year sadly 😭
is there a source
Spoken about it numerous times on stream if I remember correctly
They said they'll only retire if they don't qualify for any international event this year
so… they’re retiring
P4 in americas is not that hard to achieve. They can do it
Honestly S0m kinda wasted his carrier by sticking with FNS
Tbh I don't think s0m is passionate enough about the game for that, multiple streamers that are friends with him have said that s0m doesn't care if NRG wins or loses and that he just wants to get back to his lucrative streaming career
really which streamers have said that?
subroza and shanks
and you think those two were completely serious in saying that?
smartest shanks viewer