follow me back on twitter. I don't use it but I'll make sure to send u a really creepy DM every once in a while :3
1243 [#3]wait can i follow you on twitter
I don't use it though
my only posts are harassing that hannieqt chick
ash_knuckles [#5]I don't use it though
my only posts are harassing that hannieqt chick
wait vcttwt noooooooo, i thought you'd post something cool
Prasinos [#4]Asking people to follow u back at social midia is low 💔
he liked my reply (I think) so I want to be friends :3
1243 [#6]wait vcttwt noooooooo, i thought you'd post something cool
nah I don't use it AT ALL, idek what vctwt is. Literally had to dig through old notebooks to find my pw. so yeah don't follow lmao.