C9 2-0
C9 looked more than impressive in kickoff especially with their win vs NRG and loss to MIBR. OXY's little inconsistency when it comes to producing the same value on YORU than when he does on Raze or Jett hindered them but they will win today.
C9 need to play on the front and control the pace, if they let NRG play a flowcharty style they will lose. Disrupting retakes/Contact reclearing and trap plays favor C9.
At worst C9 2-1 win over NRG. NRG stand no chance.
Ascent - should be C9
Lotus - C9
Pearl - C9
Haven - NRG
Split - NRG
Fracture - NRG/(Could be C9)
Icebox - C9
my prediction for maps: Icebox/Haven, Fracture and Ascent