Ovbs this would never happen but IF it did this is how I would set it up
Day 1: Make the teams
We will start with 150 players-taken from t2, t3, unsigned players, ranked etc.
Players are dived into 5 groups with a letter repersenting which section they are in (A, B, C, D, E)
Players are dived into groups of 6 with a number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Players play 1 dm and person with lowest number of kills is elimanted
Final number day 1: 125
Day 2-6: First selection
Instead of games like BL there will be a round robin with teams facing off in 9 scrims (1 for each map)
Just like BL 2 best winning teams move forward, best performing player from losing teams move forward
Number of players left after day 6: 65
Day 7: Break day
Day 8-20: Second selection (This selection is much harder as you cant play valorant 2v2,3v3,4v4 like you can soccer-so This is my alternative)
Teams are disolved and players have the option on who to make teams of 5 with (13 teams)-players could stick on same teams or join new ones
Teams will be put through a round robin stage and only the top 7 teams can make it to the next stage (the same as first selection 9 scrims)
When a team wins they have a choice to replace/swap one of their players with a player from the losing team (team must have majority vote in order to swap)
Number of players left after day 20: 35
Day 21: vs pros
Like Blue Lock each of the 7 teams that made it will now face off vs top t1 pros-this will be played in a bo1
Day 22-26: Third Selection
The top 6 players will be dived into 3 teams-A, B, C
A round robin will be held between A, B and C
The other 29 players will be split up so they only play 1 game (3 subs per team)
The 7th best player will play 2 games to account for numbers
From here its hard to tell what happens next since in BL Egos plan is hijacked with the U20 match something that cant happen here-however he did state that his original plan would continue till he had 5 so in that case I think the best course of action would be to cut numbers to only the 15 best performers and continue in the 4th selection
Number of players left after day 26: 15
Day 27-?: Fourth selection
Again as there is no 4th selection my best geuss is to what wouldve happend is more round robins but its until the perfect 5 in found-which is an unkown amount of time
Final number of players left: 5