At hide and seek. You’ll probably hide behind a tree or something like fucking losers.
Real men like ME hid in the sewage and Gas pipes
0/8 come find me then
gonna hide in oil like nacho
I don't have to be a real man to hide in the sewage and pipes.
ok guess where I'm at rn
Your house
wrong lmao, not even fucking close
best hiding spot is in plain sight
I ain’t Jason bourne
im under ur bed :)
Don’t tempt me with a good time
then the huzz walks out and your lonely ahh is still lonely
Your ass cannot roam here let alone find me
I’ll roam your ass bud
Huh ? cmon at least try to make sense
Bro what? Roam means to move around. I am saying I will roam your ASS! Your BOOTY CHEEKS
Bro roaming means to go around without plan or a goal. Get better