Now that I think of it, why didn’t they just sign their old roster as an academy team? Like if xross was still with them they’d be frying korea.
z12 [#3]the number of acad teams in vcl kr was filled(3 iirc) so they couldnt keep their old t2 team
there is a limit for that ?
Frogger0_0 [#4]there is a limit for that ?
i think it’s just kind of a logistics thing. Since these rosters cannot ascend, making the majority of teams fully academy rosters means less orgs with an incentive to ascend and it would cause a TGRD issue if that team did get to ascension and win because they’d be having an org buy out the team as a whole. It’s stupid but in riots eyes i guess it kinda makes sense. It’s probably why like Loud doesn’t have an official academy roster same with Kru who just are affiliated with Oxen