We need more matches

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I was looking at Eternal Fire's CS2 schedule (they have like 7 tournaments in the next 3 months), and I decided to check how many times certain teams/orgs have played officials in Valorant since franchising started (2023/ Lock//In), here are the numbers:

Team : Matches (Win/Loss)

Furia: 30 (10/20)
MIBR: 32 (11/21)
Loud: 51 (31/20)
DRX: 58 (38/20)
PRX: 59 (40/19)
FNATIC: 60 (45/15)

The team that played the most, has played 2,2 series per month.

If you take a look at G2 or Furia in CS2, they've played 160~ games each in the same period (6+ series/month).

While I think the CS teams do play too much, it makes no fucking sense how little valorant teams play (also the spacing between matches is terrible).

I think this system is really detrimental, because how teams like Furia, Global Esports, and some others that have such a few amount of games can improve if they dont get to play the game? How can players develop and be actually evaluated? This leads to situations like Verno's or Mada's where they train with a team for much longer than they compete for it.

It is also bad for sponsors, why pay for something that gets exposition 12 times in a year?

The usual responses that RIOT (mostly via Leo Faria) give to this problem is seriously LACKING imo, they are:

  1. "People don't want to see losers, they want to see the good teams only"

First this is false, for example, japanese fans want to see DFM and Zeta, even if they are losing, they would rather watch that then PRX face DRX, Indian fans want to see Global Esports, BRs would rather see Furia than Cloud9 x NRG.

  1. "Each game tells a history, we dont want to increase the amount of games and make people choose"

Could be Valid, but then they have China/Pacific happening at the same time often and this year EMEA and Americas also have matches that overlap., and I think there is so few hardcore Valorant watchers compared to ppl who are passionate about some orgs.

  1. " We want the fans to miss valorant when its not on, we dont want to overwhelm them with how much valorant that is on"

This is complete bullshit imo, having to rely on that is a sign that you don't trust yoir product, and this also leads to a fucked up cicle where the level of play is pretty bad on the beggining of the year because... they havent played for ages.

When you combine this with visa issues, and franchise teams not being allowed to participate in other tournaments (tier2 and 3 tournaments, like KOI being a franchise team and also playing on spanish league as an example), it makes Valorant really stale, because we cant measure teams and players properly.

What are your guys thoughts on this?


You guys just want to talk about EWC... that makes me sad

Liwus [#2]

You guys just want to talk about EWC... that makes me sad

stay sad then, weak mental get off this site if you dont like what everyone here talks about.


Dude, Riot is a bunch of psychopaths who divide a single round robin into two splits. What do you expect?


Do CS allow for third parties to run tournaments? And if so, does the game developers tournament match close to what Val does? My issue is not with the vct schedule, frankly i want to see an off season of sorts, and I dont mind the slower schedule in places. BUT i agree its BS that once ur out of playoffs u dont play for months, if riot allowed third party organisers more we could get smaller tournaments with elimanted teams so we would see them more. Don't want the VCT schedule to cram more matches tho unless they widen the league up to more teams per region. I think the recent china evolution tournament (single elim, bracket play) before bangkok is the kind of thing that every region should run, which would increase games but not overload schedule too much.


"People don't want to see losers, they want to see the good teams only"

I hate when riot cocksuckers bring this argument. if my teams didnt qualify to a valorant international then I am not watching the matches lol. Only gonna watch the upper/lower finals and grand finals maybe and thats it. let esl post some events riot ffs

Northbriton [#5]

Do CS allow for third parties to run tournaments? And if so, does the game developers tournament match close to what Val does? My issue is not with the vct schedule, frankly i want to see an off season of sorts, and I dont mind the slower schedule in places. BUT i agree its BS that once ur out of playoffs u dont play for months, if riot allowed third party organisers more we could get smaller tournaments with elimanted teams so we would see them more. Don't want the VCT schedule to cram more matches tho unless they widen the league up to more teams per region. I think the recent china evolution tournament (single elim, bracket play) before bangkok is the kind of thing that every region should run, which would increase games but not overload schedule too much.

Cs is basically only run by third parties, Valve only gets involved in 2 tournaments/year, but those tournaments have more teams (24) and teams play 3 to 13 matches in it , with up to 6 of them being best of 1s, the rest being bo3s. And I dont mind an off season, as long as it have like 2 months, not 4 or 5.

I think riot "allows" 3rd party organizers, but they impose so many rules that these companies end up not doing it.

Also, part of the val community is so used to this minimum amount of games that ppl actually seriously talk about burnout from playing valorant

unknown_trash [#3]

stay sad then, weak mental get off this site if you dont like what everyone here talks about.


Liwus [#7]

Cs is basically only run by third parties, Valve only gets involved in 2 tournaments/year, but those tournaments have more teams (24) and teams play 3 to 13 matches in it , with up to 6 of them being best of 1s, the rest being bo3s. And I dont mind an off season, as long as it have like 2 months, not 4 or 5.

I think riot "allows" 3rd party organizers, but they impose so many rules that these companies end up not doing it.

Also, part of the val community is so used to this minimum amount of games that ppl actually seriously talk about burnout from playing valorant

I only started watching val last year, never watched cs or any esport where outside organisers run lots of stuff- so i never see any big deal with riot schedule. I just think we need to make tier 1 bigger in terms of numbers of teams, and t2 should be pushed more. They play way more matches then t2 it feels.

Also as someone who whilst supports a few teams, just wants to watch val in general i have no issue with number of games. Guess its different if u support a team, but I would be one of those who just don't care if its furia vs 2g or all gamers vs some other random chinese team- bad teams=boring watches, i like close games.

Northbriton [#9]

I only started watching val last year, never watched cs or any esport where outside organisers run lots of stuff- so i never see any big deal with riot schedule. I just think we need to make tier 1 bigger in terms of numbers of teams, and t2 should be pushed more. They play way more matches then t2 it feels.

Also as someone who whilst supports a few teams, just wants to watch val in general i have no issue with number of games. Guess its different if u support a team, but I would be one of those who just don't care if its furia vs 2g or all gamers vs some other random chinese team- bad teams=boring watches, i like close games.

Yeah I get your situation. Me on the other hand have watched a lot of CS, football and others, am used to seeing my team play "everyweek", and I am Brazilian, so we do have some teams that haven't gone to the last 3 internationals, while for 2 years we had guaranteed spots in all international events, and I feel like the game popularity is quickly declining here because of this ( the fact that we dont get to see our teams that often).

Liwus [#10]

Yeah I get your situation. Me on the other hand have watched a lot of CS, football and others, am used to seeing my team play "everyweek", and I am Brazilian, so we do have some teams that haven't gone to the last 3 internationals, while for 2 years we had guaranteed spots in all international events, and I feel like the game popularity is quickly declining here because of this ( the fact that we dont get to see our teams that often).

Id argue SA should of been its own league, maybe central and south together. Equally I feel middle east/india could be made into a region, based of player count if China has its own one. If these regions were seperate, then u guys would have more to follow and u would get LAN events in ur continent at least

composthe [#6]

"People don't want to see losers, they want to see the good teams only"

I hate when riot cocksuckers bring this argument. if my teams didnt qualify to a valorant international then I am not watching the matches lol. Only gonna watch the upper/lower finals and grand finals maybe and thats it. let esl post some events riot ffs

good for you. Nobody wants to see your team if they are gonna shit in lan like Sen or some shit

composthe [#6]

"People don't want to see losers, they want to see the good teams only"

I hate when riot cocksuckers bring this argument. if my teams didnt qualify to a valorant international then I am not watching the matches lol. Only gonna watch the upper/lower finals and grand finals maybe and thats it. let esl post some events riot ffs

Yeah its denying the main reason people follow sports, to see those that they think represent them

composthe [#6]

"People don't want to see losers, they want to see the good teams only"

I hate when riot cocksuckers bring this argument. if my teams didnt qualify to a valorant international then I am not watching the matches lol. Only gonna watch the upper/lower finals and grand finals maybe and thats it. let esl post some events riot ffs

Tell me you wanna watch 2023 DFM lose over 100 times. Genuinely sell me that this idea is good


the international leagues need to be restructured firat for that to happen

after that, there needs to be a fuck ton of third party tourney organizers (ESL and PGL for example) that are willing to host numerous amounts of events like in CS esports

GambleNats [#14]

Tell me you wanna watch 2023 DFM lose over 100 times. Genuinely sell me that this idea is good

What you say doesnt even contradict what I say. I dont watch only the best teams, I only watch my favorite teams

I wont watch DFM because I am not their fan, but they still have people who would want to see them play

grisx23 [#12]

good for you. Nobody wants to see your team if they are gonna shit in lan like Sen or some shit


composthe [#16]

What you say doesnt even contradict what I say. I dont watch only the best teams, I only watch my favorite teams

I wont watch DFM because I am not their fan, but they still have people who would want to see them play

Its not good content. Some people watch every game which includes needing to watch bad teams play over and over. Watching bad teams is also not enjoyable. Id rather have not seen my team play horribly multiple times. Imagine I was a 2G fan and see my team win an average of 5 rounds per game. Or a DFM fan who has to watch their team lose over 100 times. The current minimum of matches per team is fine

GambleNats [#18]

Its not good content. Some people watch every game which includes needing to watch bad teams play over and over. Watching bad teams is also not enjoyable. Id rather have not seen my team play horribly multiple times. Imagine I was a 2G fan and see my team win an average of 5 rounds per game. Or a DFM fan who has to watch their team lose over 100 times. The current minimum of matches per team is fine

Its not good content for you... for others it would be. I'd rather watch Furia "lose 100 times" than watch Heretics play Fut.

GambleNats [#18]

Its not good content. Some people watch every game which includes needing to watch bad teams play over and over. Watching bad teams is also not enjoyable. Id rather have not seen my team play horribly multiple times. Imagine I was a 2G fan and see my team win an average of 5 rounds per game. Or a DFM fan who has to watch their team lose over 100 times. The current minimum of matches per team is fine

then dont watch every game? pick and ignore the matches depending on how you find them


cs don’t got the hype. Who’s cares about bombing out when you have a tournament you can play in the next day.

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