for regionals every team stays in their home country
Internationals are still LAN
why this important?
1: visa issue (bad for teams not in home country to pick up or drop new players)
- cost of living (you ship poor orgs to high cost of living countries like seoul, california etc and players who paid minimum wage in poor orgs can't buy anything)
- bad morale (player not see family or friends for most of season, unless u live in host country, i.e zekken mum come see every game but poor primmie mum can't go cuz so easily)
- poor social life (minor)(i.e u primmie only speak thai in korea.... you kinda gg for social life and even just normal living)
I use primmie as example but is reality for most SEA player and is why SEA valorant probably gonna die soon :(
what this mean?
korean dominate apac
NA dominate america
(china not count)
EMEA is european union so is better but if team from middle east or africa? good luck