Who cares? People who watch anime sit alone at lunch
CubeEnjoyer [#6]down voted for speaking the truth. Sad world we live in where watching shit called "bunny girl senpai" is normalized.
Dont hate it until you've watched it cus the title is extremely misleading trust
Tempest24 [#7]Dont hate it until you've watched it cus the title is extremely misleading trust
promotion is literally a girl in a playboy bunny suit
CubeEnjoyer [#6]down voted for speaking the truth. Sad world we live in where watching shit called "bunny girl senpai" is normalized.
How DARE you shit talk the master piece that is bunny girl senpai. it is the peak.
king_bob [#8]promotion is literally a girl in a playboy bunny suit
It's literally only like that in episode 1 and the title/posters
I'm telling you it's extremely misleading i use to shit on it too for the same reason as you
Tempest24 [#10]It's literally only like that in episode 1 and the title/posters
I'm telling you it's extremely misleading i use to shit on it too for the same reason as you
she’s in high school too 😭 ✌️
Artific [#9]How DARE you shit talk the master piece that is bunny girl senpai. it is the peak.
Nah bro, shit is mid, bandwagon effect.
geospliced [#13]Lots of garbage anime but there are some really nice ones...
this is true but also I'm something of a raccoon so I don't mind
Tempest24 [#12]It's legit abt physics bro trust me
Unfortunately he isn't lying, it is about physics.