Lets do a top 3 agent to pro matching. I'll start:
Jett: Aspas KangKang Demon1
cypher: nats benjyfishy meteor
Harbor: FNS
king_bob [#3] Harbor: FNS
s0m cove
Tejo: Freeing Trent nobody
reyna: scream something jinggg
Yoru: Forsaken Izu Jawgemo
Neon Zmjjkk Zekken Dantedeu5/Dumbi
ngl I rate that
Chamber: yay Cryo/leaf ardiis
Yoru f0rsakeN JAWGEMO Eggsterr
RayKage [#11] Yoru f0rsakeN JAWGEMO Eggsterr
Derke yoru best yoru and I will die on this hill
Prancer [#5] Tejo: Freeing Trent nobody
Really only 2? Alot of people played him though
Jett: FNS
Iso : Alfa Meteor Leaf
BlunderBoyI2 [#7] Yoru: Forsaken Izu Jawgemo
gtn mwzera 🔥🔥🔥🔥
viper less chichoo
Divine_Thunder [#17] viper less chichoo
nats viper is iconic
notepicfailboi [#18] nats viper is iconic
ikr, but after i wrote this. i got so lazy i didnt come back to edit it 💔
SleepingSnorlax [#15] Iso : Alfa Meteor Leaf
iso leaf???? are we deaduzz